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In this episode: Ben gets the opportunity to geek out on one of his favorite groups of fish. Killifish are some of the most diverse and adaptable organisms on the planet, found in nearly every type of freshwater ecosystem and on nearly every continent. If you’ve never considered keeping killifish before, give this episode a try. There’s a killi for every method of aquarium keeping, you just need to find the right one.
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I’m hoping to get some clown killifish or as my first egg-laying fish breeding project. I have an 8 and a 20 gallon tank that i can house them in. But both tanks have cherry shrimp and ramshorn snails in them. I’m wondering if they will predate on eggs and make it impossible to breed the kilis (or any other mop spawning/egg scattering fish for that matter) in those tanks.
Thanks for all your helpful content! Im pretty new to the hobby and have learned a lot from your podcasts and YouTube channel!
The snails likely won’t predate on the eggs. The shrimp MAY, but they likely won’t be able to make a large dent in the hatch rate. Unless you starve your shrimp and they get desperate.
Love podcast and love how much Nothos come up in other episodes as well. I can’t get enough. I wish they were a more popular fish because maybe then we would have more variety available.
I’d also love to hear your process for live foods especially moina.
Honestly, there’s not much too it. Our current Moina cultures were sustained on instant dry yeast for YEARS in one gallon pickle jars. About a year ago, one of the jars started developing a microalgae bloom (a live food source for the Moina), so I challenged myself to see if I could develop a co-culture. It’s definitely NOT easier and I try to discourage people from trying it. It sounds like it’d be easier, but it’s not. I have to constantly monitor TWO organisms to make sure neither of them is about to crash. It requires more buffers in the water, because if the algal activity gets too high, it’ll cause the pH to suddenly drop and kill the Moina. At this point, it’s more about pride than it is about efficiency or efficacy, to be honest.