187. Centropyge and Allies Leave a comment

Water Colors Aquarium Gallery
Water Colors Aquarium Gallery
187. Centropyge and Allies

This episode covers the genus centropyge, as well as some new taxonomic breakthroughs that have rewritten how we classify marine angelfish. Many of the species that we once knew as centropyge are now split into a handful of new genera, as well as some unclassified complexes. Join us as we struggle through the taxonomic nightmare that is marine angelfish. Isn’t taxonomy fun?



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Sources referenced in this episode:

Species mentioned in this episode:

  • Centropyge
    • Flavissima complex
      • Centropyge flavissima, Lemonpeel angelfish
      • Centropyge eibli, Eibli angelfish
      • Centropyge vrolikii, Halfblack angelfish
      • Centropyge cocosensis, Cocopeel angelfish
    • Bicolor complex
      • Centropyge bicolor, Bicolor angelfish
      • Centropyge heraldi, Herald’s angelfish
      • Centropyge nox, Midnight angelfish
      • Centropyge deborae, Blue velvet angelfish
      • Centropyge woodheadi, Woodhead’s angelfish
      • Centropyge flavipectoralis, Yellowfin angelfish
    • Outliers
      • Centropyge multispinis, Bluefin angelfish
      • Centropyge tibicen, Keyhole angelfish
      • Centropyge aurantia, Golden angelfish
      • Centropyge nigriocellus, Blackspot angelfish
  • Parocentropyge
    • Parocentropyge boylei, Peppermint angelfish
    • Paracentropyge multifasciata, Multibar angelfish
    • Parocentropyge venusta, Purple mask angelfish
  • Apolemichthys
    • Apolemichthys trimaculatus, Flagfin angelfish
    • Apolemichthys xanthurus, Indian yellowtail angelfish
    • Apolemichthys xanthotis, Red Sea agelfish
    • Apolemichthys kingi, Tiger angelfish
    • Apolemichthys xanthopunctatus, Goldflake angelfish
  • Genicanthus
    • Genicanthus lamakri, Lamark’s angelfish
    • Genicanthus melanospilos, Spotbreast angelfish
    • Genicanthus caudovittatus, Swallowtail angelfish
    • Genicanthus watanabei, Watanabe’s angelfish
    • Genicanthus semicinctus, Halfbanded angelfish
  • Xiphipops
    • Xiphipops acanthops, African flameback angelfish
    • Xiphipops argi, Atlantic pygmy angelfish
    • Xiphipops aurantonotus, Brazilian flameback angelfish
    • Xiphipops resplendens, Resplendent angelfish
    • Xphipops fisheri-flavicauda
  • Bispinnosa complex
    • “Centropyge bispinosa”, Coral beauty angelfish
    • “Centropyge ferrugata”, Rusty angelfish
    • “Centropyge shepardi”, Shepard’s pygmy angelfish
  • “Centropyge loricula”, Flame angelfish
  • Centropyge potteri“, Potter’s angelfish
  • “Centropyge interrupta”, Interruptus angelfish
  • Multicolor complex
    • Centropyge multicolor”, Multicolor angelfish
    • “Centropyge debelius”, Debelius angelfish
    • “Centropyge nahackyi”, Nahacky’s angelfish
    • “Centropyge hotumatua”, Blackear angelfish
    • “Centropyge joculator”, Joculator angelfish

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