When venturing into saltwater for the first time, it can be easy to see the more complicated equipment or testing as the biggest mentality shift. In practice and with good
52. Our Top 5 Saltwater Mobile Invertebrates
Invertebrate diversity is one of the major advantages a saltwater aquarium has over freshwater. Most of the time, and for good reason, coral and other sessile (immobile) invertebrates get the
51. Debate: South America vs Africa
Freshwater aquarium fish come from all over the world. Most long term hobbyists tend to drift toward one continent or the other to specialize in, and their opinions on where
50. Adventures in Acclimation – From Coral to Coral Beauty
Improper acclimation is by far the most common reason that saltwater fish die soon after going home. If you skip the drip, you risk shocking your fish. Acclimate too long,
49. Five Reasons to Hate Plecos
Plecos, or catfish of the family Loricariidae, are a group of fish that can promote some pretty strong feelings in hobbyists. Whether you’re still bitter over the common pleco that
48. Our Top Five Coolest Human Produced Fish
We’ve talked about genetically modified fish in this podcast before, not always in the most positive light. In this episode: Ben, Charles, and Amy flip that attitude on its head
47. Our Top Five Saltwater Nano Fish
Nano tanks have blown up in popularity over the last few years, for good reason. A nano saltwater aquarium can be a more budget friendly option for the entry level
46. Interview: Saltwater Wholesale and Collection with Bill Backus from A&M Aquatics
A&M Aquatics is a marine livestock importer/wholesaler located in Michigan. If you live in the midwest, there’s a good chance you’ve seen their fish in your local fish store, but
45. Five Perfect Freshwater Fish Pairings
Sometimes selecting fish for your aquarium can seem like a daunting task. You want fish that get along, look beautiful together, and fill your tank with a variety of activity.
44. Interview: Captive Breeding and Sustainability with Jake Phillips from Biota Aquariums
Biota Aquariums is one of the world leaders in captive bred saltwater fish, producing and wholesaling an amazing array of livestock including large food fish, tiny gobies, invertebrates, and the