176. Brine Shrimp

Brine shrimp are one of the most ubiquitous fish foods in the history of fish keeping. These extremophiles cover the globe thanks to wind and birds, which can transport cysts

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175. New Discoveries

The past several decades have brought some monumental advances to the aquarium hobby. From marine breeding breakthroughs to taxonomic discoveries, we have a better understanding of our aquariums and animals

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174. Top 5 Mimics

The art of mimicry is a fascinating topic. Some animal use this skill to trick their prey, while others can use it to trick would-be predators. This episode is all

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173. Aquarium Events

Conventions, clubs, carnivals, and more! This episode is all about our favorite community events in the aquarium world. Aquarium clubs truly are the backbone supporting small aquarium shops and local

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171. Fish Anatomy

In this episode, the Water Colors team joins Charles as we tackle the huge topic that is fish anatomy! Specifically, we are looking at the biology and physiology of teleost

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