In this episode, Ben sprung a surprise debate on us. What’s better, freshwater or saltwater? From the start it’s an impossible question, the disciplines are so different that comparing them
35. Getting Started with Planted Aquariums
In this episode: Ben, Amy, and Charles take a look at what it takes to get into planted aquariums for the first time as a freshwater aquarist. In this scenario,
34. Three Tanks Designed around a Saltwater Fish
We’re keeping the series going this week, but flipping the discussion over to the saltwater side of things! This episode covers a wide range of marine fish from the common
33. Three Tanks Designed Around a Freshwater Fish – PART 2
In the second part of this episode Ben, Amy, and Charles continue discussing aquariums designed around a freshwater fish. Confused? Listen to last week’s episode! What fish would you design
32. Three Tanks Designed Around a Freshwater Fish – PART 1
This discussion got away from us a little bit. We had to cut it off halfway through! We often approach setting up a new aquarium by determining what size we
31. Five Freshwater Fish that Make us Smile
In this episode: Ben, Amy, and Charles share five freshwater fish that make them smile. These memorable fish are the reason so many of us keep and breed particular species,
30. Amazing Apistogramma
This is going to be a geeky one! Ben, Charles, and Amy discuss some of their favorite cichlids, the genus Apistogramma. While they do indulge themselves with some deep dives
29. Our Top Five Aquarium Myths
In this episode: Ben, Charles, and Amy tackle some of the misconceptions they often hear around the shop. Some of these have spread like wildfire due to the popularity of
28. Five Marine Creatures That Make Us Sad
In this episode: Ben, Charles, and Amy share stories about saltwater organisms that make them sad. This could be because keeping them is very difficult, or they had a heartbreaking
27. Pest Control: Algae and Snails
Pests can make or break the success of an aquarium. In this episode Ben, Charles, and Amy discuss where pests come from in freshwater aquariums, how to get rid of