Aquacaping is all about scale and perspective. Using the incorrect plants in nano tanks can often ruin the sense of scale. In this episode, the Water Colors team discusses their
169. Cold-water Marine Aquariums
In this episode, the Water Colors team discusses some incredible saltwater organisms that require cooler temperatures, as well as some examples of cold-water marine tanks and how to pull them
168. Grasses and Friends
This episode is all about grass-like plants and how to grow them! Technically, only species from the family poacea are true grasses – but for the purpose of this episode, we
167. Marine Snails
Marine snails are much more than just a clean up crew! The available species are diverse and complex, with some even living up to 40 years! The Water Colors team
166. Conservation Projects and How to Get Involved
Many of our values here at Water Colors are derived from an understanding that the aquarium industry is inherently harmful to the planet, and in turn, to the fish we
165. Zebra Danios: Saving the World One Fish at a Time
In this episode, we take a focused look at zebra danios, AKA zebrafish or Danio rerio. Zebra danios are one of the most iconic aquarium fish due to their hardiness,
164. Freshwater Snails: Friends or Foes?
Let’s talk about snails. Some aquarists are militant about the presence of “pest” snails in their aquariums, but we here at Water Colors embrace them! They play a vital role
163. The Great Damsel Debate
The concept of damsel fish in aquariums goes back to the beginning of marine fishkeeping. They are often used as “throwaway” fish to cycle new tanks due to their cheap
162. Women in the Aquarium Hobby
This episode is an open ended discussion surrounding women in the aquarium hobby. It’s no surprise that women are underrepresented in the world of fish keeping, and we would love
161. Top 3 Places to See Fish in the Wild
The Water Colors team discusses the importance of travel in this unique episode! There are so many reasons to explore the world, but here we discuss our top 3 favorite