In this episode, we’re talking about fish from the family acanthuridae! This discussion is an overarching tutorial on the 6 different genera, as well as some of the species you
136. Top 5 LPS Corals
The term LPS corals, or large polyp stony corals, is a hobbyist classification used to try to categorize coral species based on care and needs. This episode is all about
135. Top 5 Stem Plants
Stem plants are a very general hobbyist classification of aquarium plants comprised of a huge variety of species. They range from incredibly easy to very demanding and difficult. We can
134. Freshwater Shrimp
Freshwater shrimp make an excellent addition to many aquariums, or better yet, a huge multi-generational colony all on their own! There are many varieties and colors, and they can be
133. Top 5 South American Cichlids
Some of the most exciting and diverse fish in the world come from South America, and we definitely have our favorites! In this episode, the Water Colors Team discusses our
132. Saltwater Biotopes
The concept of biotypic aquariums is rarely, if ever, replicated in the reef hobby. While biotopes are common amongst freshwater hobbyists, the reef community seems to be lacking in this
131. Hobby Perceptions
In this episode, Ben hosts with a series of questions about the hobby’s perceptions; with special guest Johnathon Butkus! We often notice trends or generalities in the aquarium hobby. Ben
130. Freshwater Fish Diseases
This week’s podcast is a long requested episode: a thorough guide to common freshwater fish diseases. Here at Water Colors we’ve helped and dealt with a huge variety of illnesses
129. Staff Questions
In this episode, the Water Colors Team answers questions submitted by the gallery staff! Our team members hold nothing back, and ask some hard hitting questions. Some of these even
128. Top 5 Hot Water Fish
This episode is dedicated to the hottest fish around! The Water Colors team lists their top 5 aquarium fish that like it hot, we’re talking 85 degrees F (29 C) and