Butterflyfishes are some of the most colorful of all reef fishes, earning the affection of many marine aquarists. In this episode of the podcast, the Water Colors team discuss the
102. West Side Story: 5 Real African Cichlids
When you say “African cichlids”, you usually conjure up images of “peacocks” from Lake Malawi. This connotation is reductive because it ignores two facts. 1. Cichlidae is one of the
101. Top 5 Fish that Don’t Need a Heater
For various reasons, many aquarists don’t want to have a heater in their aquarium. In this episode of the podcast: the Water Colors staff discusses fish species that are suitable
100. Top 5 Drinks to Have While Recording a Podcast
Today, we have a special podcast for our 100th episode! And what better way to celebrate then to discuss our favorite drinks to have while we are recording. Let us
99. Licorice Gouramis: Little Gems of the Rainforest
In this episode of the podcast; Charles leads the Water Colors team on a discussion on a specific genus of anabantoids that we are all particularly fond of, Parosphromenus, the
98. Aquarium Myths That Just Won’t Go Away
Ben, Amy, and Charles have explored aquarium-related myths in the past, but since many of these myths seem determined to stick around the staff at Water Colors Aquarium Gallery have
97. Revisiting the Topic: Fish You Won’t See at Water Colors Aquarium Gallery
The Water Colors team revisits the topic of our first podcast episode: What fish species will you never see at Water Colors and why? The three of us have had
96. Aquarium Burnout and How to Avoid It
Just like any hobby, it’s common to experience burnout as an aquarist. Sometimes you find yourself in over your head, or maybe you had a disaster that set you back.
95. Questions Asked by Water Colors Staff
In this episode, Ben, Amy, and Charles answer questions submitted by the Water Colors Aquarium Gallery staff! The questions submitted range wildly, from serious and introspective, to middle school “would-you-rathers.”
94. Store Business: Saltwater Fishes To Always Keep In Stock
In this episode of the podcast, the Water Colors team discuss and debate what species of saltwater fishes our store should always have in stock and why. Addendum – Portions