77. CARES Species

In this episode, the team at Water Colors discusses their Top 5 CARES fish species. The CARES Preservation Program (Conservation, Awareness, Recognition and Responsibility, Encouragement and Education, and Support and

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74. Captive-Bred Saltwater Fish

In this 2 part episode, the team is discussing captive-bred saltwater fish that are available in the hobby. Here at Water Colors, we’re both impressed and inspired by the innovations

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73. Top 5 Brands

The team discusses our top 5 brands for aquarium products, and why we think they’re the best in their class. We stand by equipment that outperforms its competitors, is cost-efficient,

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72. Saltwater Wet Pets

You know those fish that just make amazing pets? More personable, more interested, more interactive? In today’s episode, we discuss our top “wet pets” in saltwater aquariums, and why they

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71. Freshwater Wet Pets

You know those fish that just make amazing pets? More personable, more interested, more interactive? In today’s episode, we discuss our top “wet pets” in freshwater aquariums, and why they

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70. Discus

The Water Colors team discusses all things discus in todays episode! Tune in to learn about one of the most prestigious freshwater fish around. Literature Cited: Manuella Villar Amado, Izeni

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